For Your Table
Oyster Plates
Vases, Planters, Wall Pockets & Platters
Palissy Wares
Dresser Items
Vintage Perfume Bottles
Tobacco Items
Asparagus, Artichoke Items
Crystal / Glass
Vintage Textiles, Buttons
Antique Gold Coins
Eggs, Butter, Cheese
Water, Wine and Beverage
Coffee, Tea, Cream, Sugar
Wall Pockets, Vases
Cache Pots, Planters, Jardinieres
Wall Plates, Platters
Corn, Wheat, Bread Items
Baskets and Centerpieces
Let There Be Light!
Antique Majolica Bird of Paradise Plate c.1800's, fm1064
Antique Palissy Majolica Lobster Platter by Choisy-le-Roi c.1836, fm919
Antique French Orchies Asparagus Plate c1800's, fm1027
Antique Majolica Asparagus and Basketweave Plate c1800's, fm1086
Antique French Majolica Asparagus Platter c1800's, fm984
Antique French Majolica Asparagus Plate c.1800's, fm861
Antique Majolica Leaf Butter Pat c.1800's, gm846
Antique Majolica Green Begonia Leaf Butter Pat c1800's, ff476
Antique Majolica Ewer Pitcher c.1800's, gm940
Antique Vintage French Majolica Grapes & Leaves Platter, fm868
Antique German Majolica Jardiniere Planter, gm797
Antique German Majolica Chestnut Leaf Plate c.1828-1880, gm387
Antique French Majolica Asparagus Platter c.1850-1890, X12-fm890
Antique French Majolica Asparagus Basketweave Platter, fm875
Vintage French Majolica Asparagus Platter c.1925-1950, X9-fm944
Antique Art Nouveau Majolica Frog on Waves Tray, gm920
Antique Majolica Geranium Platter Pink Flowers, gm871
Antique Victorian Majolica Begonia Leaf Platter c.1800's, fm1015
Rare Emaux de Longwy Enameled Cloisonne Majolica Wall Platter, fm702
Antique Sarreguemines Majolica Wall Pocket Vase c.1800's, ff438
Antique German Majolica Pedestal Platter Leaves & Berries, gm266
Antique French Majolica Grapes & Leaves Plate, fm813
Antique Majolica Acorn & Leaf Platter c.1800's, fm1014
Gorgeous Antique Banana Leaves Platter c.1800's, fm1011
Antique French Majolica Emaux Ombrants Plate c.1860-1885, fm1088
Antique Majolica Swirling Acanthus Leaves Plate c.1800's, fm1074
Antique Majolica Raspberries & Flowers Plate, em69
Antique Griffen Smith & Co. Albino Shell & Seaweed Teapot & Lid c.1800's, ff474
Rare Antique Majolica Strawberry Server with Sugar Shaker, gm339
Vintage French Majolica Pitcher Raspberries & Plums, fm1102
Antique Vintage French Longly Enameled Wall Platter, fm867
Antique German Majolica Leaf Plate c.1840, gm494
Antique French Majolica Strawberry Plate c.1800's, fm661
Antique Emaux de Longwy Enameled Cup & Saucer, fm1031
Large Vintage German Majolica Lily of the Valley Platter, gm925
Vintage Majolica French Lidded Fish Tureen, fm1050
Antique Majolica Strawberry Plate Tray, gm671
Antique Majolica Dragon Wall Platter c.1800's, gm950
French Majolica Trompe L'Oeil Covered Bowl, fm1105
Antique Majolica Plate Children with Pumpkin c.1800's, gm951
Antique Longwy Enameled Shoe Wall Pocket Vase, ff419
Antique Majolica Fans & Flowers Plate Dish Bowl, fm980
Antique Majolica Strawberries & Flowers Plate c.1800's, gm470
Antique German Pink Rococo Majolica Plate c.1850-1880, gm597
Antique French Majolica Fern & Flowers Plate c.1875, gm225
Antique French Majolica Lovebirds Plate c.1800's, fm1033
Antique French Majolica Pink Flowers Plate c.1800's, fm924